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Haitian Ginger Tea

Photography by Jacqueline Moss. Styling by Rafael Vencio. Food by Chef Claudy Pierre.

Haiti uses ginger root as a cure for all ills. Traditional healers say that ginger boosts immunity, relieves nausea, improves blood circulation, relieves menstrual discomfort, and prevents heart attacks. Thanks to Chef Claudy Pierre for sharing this recipe with TABLE Magazine.


Te Jenjanm (Haitian Ginger Tea)

2 ginger root pieces

2 cinnamon sticks

2 star anise

6 cups water


Wash, peel, and dice ginger into small pieces. Add ginger, cinnamon, and star anise to water in a pot and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium and allow tea to brew for 5 more minutes. Strain into a cup and sweeten to taste.









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