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Maple Curry Salad Dressing

Fifth Season puts artificial intelligence and human ingenuity to good use at their Braddock, Pennsylvania facility. They grow gorgeous edible greens there with just the right amount of light, land, water, energy and human attention. Their site says that they use 97% less land than traditional farms, and 95% less water…and employ community members at fair wages along the way.

Still a young company, with distribution at a few local Giant Eagle and Whole Foods stores, the product is gorgeous. Because it’s picked fresh and delivered to stores around the city, the greens stay beautifully fresh. They’re also participating in local farm markets like Sewickley Heights’ Barberry Farm Fresh program that unfolds on most summer Fridays.

That’s where we first picked up a box of their Three Rivers and Bridge City salad mixes — chosen because we like a strong salad with a breadth of varieties each contributing something to the taste experience. The Bridge City blend includes Chinese cabbage, red and green Tatsoi, and red and green Frilly Mustard. The
Three Rivers blend, which Fifth Season calles its “salad showstopper,” includes a colorful assortment of leaf broccoli, green Mizuna, red Pak Choi, red Frilly Mustard, and red mustard greens. With a bit of bread and perhaps a handful of tomatoes and chopped cucumber…each mix can become a meal in and of itself.

We suggest whisking up a batch of Maple Curry dressing, and serving a tossed Fifth Greens salad with fresh baked pita from Pitaland slathered with Lebanese labneh and pickled wild cucumbers, and sprinkled with green za’atar.


Maple Curry Salad Dressing


1/2 t Salt

1 t Curry powder

1/4 t Ground cumin

1/4 t Crushed Aleppo pepper

1/2 t Fresh orange or lemon zest

3 T Maple syrup

2 T White Balsamic vinegar

1/2 c Grapeseed oil


Whisk together all ingredients except oil, and let rest for 30 minutes. After resting, add oil and whisk together until thick. Use it immediately to dress a very fresh salad of strongly flavored greens. You might head out to your yard to gather fresh dandelion and garlic mustard leaves to add to the bowl. (Wash them well.)